09:00 - 09:30: CLOSE
Session 5
Saturday, October 22, 2016 |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Riverview Room 4 |
Rakshit Panwar
Associate Professor Sandra Peake
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Dr Peake is a Senior Intensive Care Clinician in the Department of Intensive Care Medicine at The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide and an Associate Professor in the School of Medicine at the University of Adelaide. She is Chair of the Intensive Care Foundation Scientific Committee, Chair of the Research Committee for the Acute Care Medicine Discipline at the University of Adelaide and a member of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group (ANZICS-CTG) Executive Committee. She has been an examiner for the College of Intensive Care Medicine for the past 8 years. In 2000, she completed her PhD in Medicine at the University of Adelaide in the field of sepsis. Her thesis examined the role of combination anti-cytokine immunotherapy in an animal model of septic shock. Her main research interest now is large-scale, randomised clinical trials in critical care. She is currently Chair of the Management Committee for the NHMRC-funded, CTG-endorsed Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE) multi-centre trial of early resuscitation in sepsis. She is also member of the Management Committee for the NHMRC-funded, CTG-endorsed multi-centre clinical trial of Early Parenteral Nutrition.
Dr Panwar Rakshit
University of Newcastle
Dr Rakshit Panwar is a practising intensivist at the John Hunter Hospital, Newcastle and conjoint lecturer in the School of Medicine and Public Health at the University of Newcastle. He is an active researcher and collaborator. He is currently pursuing PhD on the role of individualized perfusion pressure targets during management of shock. His other research interests include exploring the benefits of conservative oxygenation therapy and intermittent enteral feeding in intensive care.
Professor Michael Reade
Intensivist / anaesthetist and clinician scientist
Australian Defence Force
Professor Reade is an intensivist / anaesthetist and clinician scientist in the Australian Defence Force, seconded to the University of Queensland and the Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital to lead a program of research relevant to military trauma medicine and to guide the implementation of modern trauma care into ADF practice. In his military clinical role, he holds the rank of Colonel and is the Director of Clinical Services of the Australian Regular Army’s only field hospital. He has completed eight overseas operational deployments since commissioning as an Army officer in 1989, most recently to Iraq in 2015 and 2016.
Professor Reade’s Oxford DPhil examined the molecular pathogenesis of septic shock, while his postdoctoral research fellowship focussed on clinical trials and large observational datasets. His current research interests are fluid resuscitation and coagulopathy in trauma, the effects of blood transfusion (including large clinical trials of cryopreserved blood products and tranexamic acid), and the management of delirium. He recently completed the 15-hospital DahLIA trial assessing dexmedetomidine treatment for agitated delirium in the ICU. He holds or contributes to research grants totalling >A$12M, has published >100 peer-reviewed papers and has delivered >140 lectures at national and international conferences.